Dear Colleague,
Health Insurance Innovation Congress China (HIIC) was the most influential insurance event in China. There were around 500 executives in health insurance industry from all over the world, including government, regulatory authorities, insurance associations, institutes insurers, reinsurers, brokers, agencies, assessors, financial institutes, IT technology suppliers, hospitals, medical service institutions, consultancies and other related organizations. Around 60 top-level speakers presented in the congress, with topics set upon national policies and new market strategies for health insurance, payment reform and cost containment, product development and cross-industry cooperation, disruptive technologies and services for health insurance innovation.
Previous Health Insurance Innovation Congress & Awards China中国健康保险业创新国际峰会往届峰会:
1st Health Insurance Innovation Congress China 2017
2nd Health Insurance Innovation Congress & Awards China 2018
The 3rd Health Insurance Innovation Congress & Awards China 2019 centering on “Health Insurance Innovation” will be held on April 24-25th, Shanghai. We will help you to understand the medical insurance new regulations and the new regulatory system, catch up with innovative advances and dynamics, learn experiences sharing & case study, focus on innovations in product development and technology enabler and discuss the trends of health industry integration and cross-industry collaboration.
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